In February of 2019, Barnes Law Firm, P.A., as counsel for the trustees, was successful in its arguments to have the children declared the proper beneficiaries of the trust based on the intent of the deceased.
State and Federal Return Filing Deadlines Extensions
9 Tips From Trip | Letting Your Financial Advisors Know What You Expect
As I have told my clients, “if you want a good result in March or April of the following year, you need to work on getting that result in the prior calendar year.” What many people fail to realize is that you make history from January 1st to December 31st. You merely record it on March 15th and April 15th of the subsequent year.
Estate Planning 101: Your Will Is Not An Estate Plan
2019 Year-End Tax Planning Letter
Year-end tax planning in 2019 remains as complicated as ever. Notably, we are still coping with the massive changes included in the biggest tax law in decades—the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) of 2017—and pinpointing the optimal strategies. This monumental tax legislation includes a myriad of provisions affecting a wide range of individual and business taxpayers.
5 Things To Consider Before Selling Your Business
Based on the studies that we are seeing, approximately 40% of the wealth in this country will transition from the baby boomers to the next generation. By and large, most of these individuals are ill-prepared to transfer this wealth either because they have done no planning to do so, or it is very difficult to transfer it.